Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thursday's passport adventure

I am writing this in a cab in the parking lot of Home Affairs in Maseru. Lest you think we're on an African savannah adventure (Mom) let me disavow you of that notion. Maseru is a city of about 200,000 and the capital of the kingdom of Lesotho. The parliament of Lesotho is here, all the governmental buildings (health, social welfare, traffic, education, home affairs, etc.) plus the several embassies, the king's palace (we passed his motorcade yesterday!), etc. So while it's smaller than Louisville by far, it's still a developed urban center. There is a large disparity between rich and poor. Quite a number of wealthy people (government officials, business owners, foreigners), a small, struggling middle class (taxi drivers, waiters, housekeepers), and the very poor. At times it reminds me of Tijuana - we'll see a large house right next to half-a-dozen shacks. Or ungraded dirt potholed roads jutting off the large main highway. There is a two-story mall with about a dozen stores, a KFC! and a grocery about 1/3 mile from our guesthouse. Our first day a shepherd was grazing his cows in the undeveloped scrub next to the mall. I wish I'd gotten a picture! It showed the contrast that is Maseru. We feel safe walking to the mall and even up to church with Trent, but not without Trent and NOT after dark. After dark we stay home.

So back to why I'm in the parking lot. Today is passport application day! M'e Mahlapane picked us up at 10 am and all day we've shuttled from place to place (then waited) while she worked her connections to get Palamang's passport expedited. Earlier today, around 12, she filled out paperwork with M'e Mavis, the director of MIS. But the person needed to endorse it wasn't there. So we went home for a few minutes and Paul and I came back at 2 with Christinah.

Now it's 3:30 and I'm waiting in the foyer of the home office. Cab got tired of waiting but I'm not really supposed to be here, according to DSW. But Christinah asked me to come because Palamang gets upset when taken from one of us. (As he should.) Not sure what's going on. Lots of rapid (or maybe not so rapid, I don't know) Sesotho and lots of silent prayers that they're saying, "Yes! We will do passport right away! Right now! Hurry!" I will wait upon the Lord (and upon home office) and in Him I will put my trust.

Now it's 4:20 and we're home. Passport might be ready tomorrow, but...well...tomorrow's Friday, so maybe Monday. Oh, happy day!

My Basotho kids!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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