Thursday, May 3, 2012

And we're off!

Now that we're through check-in (which went surprisingly well considering our three 50 lb bags and three 50 lb totes!) and through security, my frantic stress has ebbed to excitement. At 2 pm I was seriously reconsidering this whole thing and thinking of becoming a hermit who never left home. But now I'm wondering why I was so freaked out. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'll freak again (customs with all those bags, driving through Jo'burg with all those bags, driving to the orphanage...) but right now I feel the peace of all those prayers.

Thank you again for the prayers. I remember as a kid hearing people talk about coveting prayers and I didn't understand what they meant. (Cuz isn't coveting a sin?) But now I totally get how God uses the prayers of his people to move mountains, to set the lonely in families, to bring peace that passes understanding.

Lots of Derby action at the airport - women with big hatboxes and high heels, huge bouquets of roses, and row upon row of private jets. And I'm not coveting any of that. (I wouldn't say NO to the private jet, though, if anyone's offering.) Those prayers are way more valuable. Silver and gold are the words from the Lord.

Have fun at Derby all you horse racing fans! Love you all! Will check in when we reach Jo'burg and find wifi again.



- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Be blessed Thompson family! Enjoy the travel journey and all the people you encounter along the way before your most miraculous encounter that's just around the corner!
