Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Card

We are not sending out Christmas cards this year. My daughter is quite upset about this. And I would, if I could. But I have decided it's in the best interest of my family to better manage my stress level, and right now my stress level is hovering just under "RUN FOR THE HILLS! THE WISE MEN ARE ATTACKING!" So instead of designing, organizing, printing, picking up, addressing, going to the store to buy stamps, stamping and mailing cards, I'm going to take a yoga class. At the YMCA. Where they love my Paul and give him heart stamps for having such a great heart.

In spite of my inability to mail cards (seems a little thing, no?), please know that we love you and appreciate you and are thinking about you this holiday season. Feel free to swing by and visit us. The house won't be clean (that's another thing I'm letting go. The stress, you see), but there is always coffee and conversation.

Sam WILL be sending out letters about her upcoming mission trip Ghana. She, and we, would appreciate your prayers.

My mom took fabulous pictures on our trip to Hilton Head this summer, and these were planned for the Christmas card. (These are the ones in which we look happy and having fun. I will exclude the ones in which we were crying.) Please take a moment to imagine these pictures surrounded by our well wishes and holiday greetings.


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