Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When Wisdom Ends...

The Bible has a lot to say about wisdom. A keyword search for "wisdom" on listed 219 results. I'm a planner, and also a bit of a perfectionist, so the admonition in Luke 14:28 - 30 about estimating the cost BEFORE building has always struck a warning chord in me.

But as Trent and I delve deeper into this adoption journey, I'm also confronted with the question: Where does wisdom end and faith versus fear begin? Because from a pragmatic viewpoint, international adoption doesn't seem especially wise. Sam is 13, a great kid, and, to be honest, parenting an only child has a lot of perks. Adding another child through international adoption will create some stress: 1) financially (adoption fees plus the cost of raising and schooling another child); 2) emotionally (attachment issues and parenting in general can wreak havok in families); and, 3) physically (twenty plus hours of travel time just to GET to Lesotho, plus the threat of illness and injury along the way). It's no wonder well-meaning friends have asked, "Um, are you sure?"

So where's the line between wisdom and faith versus fear? We confront this same question about our mission trip to Tijuana. This year we promoted the mission trip to the Christian school where I work. Not a lot of takers, to be honest. What I got instead where a lot of rebukes. "Haven't you heard that Mexico is NOT SAFE?" "It is irresponsible of you to promote a service trip to MEXICO! Are you foolish?" No matter that we've been to Tijuana five years running, are in regular contact with those who live every day in Tijuana, and our critics' only knowledge of Mexico is what they've heard on the news (for those of you not familiar with Mexico and who also watch the news, Tijuana (Baja county) and Chihuahua county (where the news reports are centered) are in different parts of the country).

Sometimes we must step forward with action that seems to defy wisdom. Adoption. Mission trips. Service. Charitable giving. Heck, even venturing out in a thunderstorm to go to church. When wisdom ends, our only decision is whether we will venture forth in faith...or stay home in fear.

For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 1 Cor. 1:25.


  1. I needed to hear that! Was just confronted by friends last night asking if we have considered our adoption situation a closed door from God and to just be happy with what we have. I have to admit, it has crossed our minds but to hear friends challenge us...very discouraging! All I know it that right now, God will have to make it very clear to us when it is time to stop. One hiccup is not clarity. I expect Satan to make it difficult. Oh, the waiting!

  2. I know, girl! This journey has already stretched me SO MUCH. There's no cost/benefit statistical analysis for whether adopting is a good idea. There's only a that doesn't always make sense to others, even other believers. I'm hanging on to the old saw, "God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called." There are bound to be roadblocks. And testing produces perseverance, right? It may not work out the way WE want; we can only trust that it will work out the way God wants.
