Thursday, November 10, 2011

Impatience Means...

Impatience does not mean I don't trust in God's timing.

Impatience does not mean I don't see God's hand in our adoption journey in countless incredible ways.

Impatience does not mean I don't have faith in God's mental, emotional, spiritual and physical protection of our child while he is waiting.

Impatience does not mean I don't believe in God's power to heal the trauma our child has faced and will face.

Impatience does not mean I don't have confidence in our agency.

Impatience does not mean I am jealous of others' adoption journeys (although it may mean that a tiny bit.)

Impatience does not mean I'm unwilling to sacrifice my selfishness on the altar of faith.

Impatience does not mean I am not daily turning my worries about all-that-could-be-difficult-or-go-wrong over to God.

Impatience simple means:

I miss my child.

Impatience means I ache to hold him; to play with him; to show him that he is loved, he is worthy, and he belongs.

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